Friday, April 4, 2008

Environmental Consequences.

Here is an extract from this website about Agent Orange.

In 1961, US President John Kennedy ordered the use of defoliants to deny Communist forces food supplies and routes into South Vietnam. For the next 10 years, herbicides were massively sprayed throughout the countryside below the 17th parallel.
Under 'Ranch Hand Operation', the US army sprayed some 72 million litres of herbicides to clear campsites and defoliate forests to deny cover to the enemy.

Agent Orange was the herbicide used in greatest volume. An estimated 170 kilogrammes of dioxin was sprayed over 10% of South Vietnam's territory. More than two million hectares of inland mangrove forest and agricultural land were affected by the spraying, Vietnamese experts indicate.

.....But it was only in October 1980 that Vietnam created the National Committee for investigation of the consequences of the chemicals used during the Vietnam War.
Hoang Dinh Cau, head of what is commonly called the '10-80 Committee', has said Vietnam will need at least a century to overcome the consequences of Agent Orange spraying.
Its studies have shown high rates of reproductive abnormalities, such as miscarriages, premature and still births, in the sprayed areas.

Read about the reaction of some of the victims of Agent of Orange

1 comment:

erika~chua said...

i have a few qestions to ask regarding globalisaton and the agent orange.
if spore offers human talents to other countries, how do we make sure we are always one step ahead of the others? if we export talents, and share our technologies, knowlegde with them, they would defintely stand to gain an edge over us, as we do not have the land and natural resources that they have. whatever we have is the skills.yes. but with only skills and scarce land or space to put our innovative ideas into action,how do we make sure we always stand to gain while helping others and maintaining good diplomatic ties?
secondly, if the effects of the agent orange is so strong and evident, such that it could even last up to a century, why didnt vietnam ask for a compensaton from US? US should have helped more in terms of reducing the limitatios of those affected by the agent orange effect.they should be the one taking the initiative to set up help them to rebuild their lives, maybe in terms of agriculture.
lastly, in the globalised world, where almost eveyone aims for the top, where would the ones who lose out be placed?there would definitely be more people who lose out than people who reach the peak, so would there be another another revolution whereby the middle class and lower classes take over? the power of the hungry is never to be underestimated. if not, how would the people at the top suppress those below?